Telephone Expense Control

Telephone Expense Control

800 619 9566

E System Sales, Inc.

Telephone Expense Control

Stop Here Link Divider


Link Divider


Link Divider


Link Divider


Link Divider


Link Divider


PABX System Requirements


RAM Required
Minimum 64meg of RAM is required although 128meg preferred

Hard disk space requirements
Minimum 40 Meg hard disk space required to install the software.

Post installation hard disk space requirements
Reports Program
Call Collector
Database 6 MB
1MB / 1,000 call records.
*A minimum of 200MB should be available.
Archive disk space
Each archive will reduce the database by a factor of 90% so a database of 300MB will be archived down to approximately 30MB

Installation to a dedicated PC, Server or Workstation.
The Call Collector program which gathers the data from the PBX and stores it in the database needs to be left turned on at all times. In addition, other PC's on the office LAN need to be able to access the database in order to run Reports. For this reason it makes sense to install the Call Collector on a Server, which typically are left on all the time and already have access rights assigned to other users.

Saturation point
The Call Collector processes call records "a bit at a time". As the serial port buffer of the PC receives data, the Call Collector processes it, and blocks the buffer from sending fresh information until the processing has been completed. In theory, if the Call Collector were running on a PC with very slow processor, and the PBX was not able to control the output of data, then the PC's serial buffer could overflow and call records could be lost.
In reality, most PBXs will only release serial data when they receive a "Clear to Send" signal from the PC serial port.

Line Types
At present PABXSoft is designed to collect data from a serial port. It does not know whether the PBX is connected to the outside world by ISDN, PSTN, Tie Lines or whatever. It is reliant on receiving a data stream from the PBX that it can interpret and reliant on the User configuring the software accurately. If the user connects their telephone system to a Voice over IP network then the PBX must report on the call in a manner consistent with other types of call traffic. In other words it must allocate a "Line" number to the Voice over IP call and insert that into the SMDR stream. If it does not, then PABXSoft can not interpret the data.

Data transmission from the PBX to PABXSoft
One of the limitations of sending SMDR data from the PBX to a telephone management software package over a serial data link is distance. A serial cable link is generally only good to about 40 metres, although this can be extended with good cable, boosters etc. However, this means that the PC running the Call Collector normally would be no more than 40 metres distant from the SMDR output device of the PBX. Some PBX's get round this limitation by providing "remote" Serial output/input devices that can be wired up to 500 metres from the PBX main equipment. Another way, and one that we will see a great deal of in the next few years, is to send the data via TCPIP.
The PBX has a LAN port and plugs into the customer network as just another terminal with an IP address. It allows the user to connect to the PBX to perform maintenance, reprogramming etc as well as allowing data streams like SMDR to be output to a "named pipe". Instead of PABXSoft gathering data at a PC from the serial port it needs to collect the data using a process called "Telnet". In layman's terms this means locating the data at a predefined path via an IP address.

We have already developed the process of data collection via Telnet but as yet, have not had the opportunity to try it out on a real PBX, as none to date have offered this facility. However, Samsung are organising to allow us to try out on their new iDCS500 system shortly.




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